barbara garcia -- angela manchin barbara garcia. she is the new health director in san francisco, and if anyone really wants to know how she got the job, the interview consisted of one question -- you think it is the -- one of the biggest health departments in the world, and we can talk about cultural competency and all the issues of primary care, long-term aging and all those things, but all that i already knew. i cared about one thing -- i said i'm out of here. not particularly because i want to be out of san francisco but because i want to continue to serve and my time was coming up, and my passion is this thing called project homeless. she said she knows and she committed to making sure it continues well past my time, so, barbara, we are holding you to that. i want to know this is going to continue on. i also want to thank our homeless czar, the person we call and text, and he has fans, or at least a family member here. but he deserves to look good. this is a guy out there until midnight or 1:00 in the morning, and he is getting