her name is angela simpson. >> simpson i think is a very scary individual.'s probably the only one in there that i take every precaution in the world to make sure my staff and myself are safe. she is the one in this whole jail that creeps me out, for a better word. >> i was the first person on the crew to get introduced to angela simpson, and upon meeting her, the first things that came out of her mouth when i approached her, she pretty much told me to go "f" myself. for someone to say, go "f" yourself, it's like, all right, welcome to jail. >> simpson is a very scary person. she is just by the nature of her crimes and the way that she has been here and just her manners and that, she just doesn't seem to have a lot of those inhibition controls that most people would, and because of that she can be very much a threat to staff. so we have to keep her in a very controlled setting. >> simpson was accused of kidnapping, torturing and murdering a man she believed to be a police informant. she has then said to have dismembered the corpse, set it on fire and to have