. >> angela smith? >> thank you, mr. speaker. does the prime minister's plan the pride of everything but the value of something to >> what i would say to the honorable lady and all honorable members whom i know who is very interested in this subject what i know is a consultation. we are listening to people's views but let me make -- let me make a couple things clear. the first thing is, we won't be doing what happened under the last government which is the sale of forests with absolutely no guarantees of access. that is exactly -- that is exactly what they did. and i do think it is a good opportunity -- it is actually a good opportunity to -- it's a good opportunity to bust a few myths about this situation. the idea that all forestry commission forests are open to the public and don't charge is simply not true. there are many forests like the new forest, not owned by the forestry commission that have much better action, no parking charges and very good records on habitat. so i think while we have consultation we should bust some