so we met up with angela spotts who helped start a group called stop fracking payne county; she took us on a drive on the outskirts of stillwater. >> this is a commercial injection well, where the trucks pull in that bay, and they open up the back of their truck and the produced water comes flying out. >> here comes a truck. >> yes. the oil will get separated, and i believe, land here, but otherwise it's going to be injected into the arbuckle. some of the injection wells are not as deep, but this one is. the scary part is, this happens all day long. so we have four wells and an injection well, brought to us by devon, which is one of the larger companies in town. that's who has been some of the biggest in the fight at the city council. devon would tell us how great this was going to be and that they would be trying to put a well pad on every square mile. and they'd show the map and it was blood red. and we have done everything at the capitol to stop renewable energy. and it's like living in industrialized countryside. i mean, it's "okie frack land". it's very alarming. >> the number o