facebook it to a series in the railways and interest only from what may be called the outer limits angela sutherland says watching from shetland for the north koreans should mean dial says cornwall really needs it shares to more than anyone leave scotland though this mess and body cuts says i want to know why scotland has to pay for english only infrastructure yet had to pay for the queen's for the crossing ourselves some union air simon lete says that crean should be upgraded for all the u.k. with high speed lanes emailing us brian edgar looks at the technology aspects and adds for the future program i hope you might be able to include vector by flate real court of california and they are updated version of grinnell's atmospheric we'll we're fairly clear says simply fifty billion in the bill that we must learn what we could do with that now and then meanwhile the wee man is a cool scottish for us and rob campbell says simply putting the human face in this and you're on to something there because as we looked through that c.s. on the chairs to them both the technological arguments and in particular