it was co-shared by william haguwilliam hague and angelina jolieer, envoy for commission of refugee. >> it's a myth that rape is an inevitable part of conflict. it is a weapon of war aimed at civilians. it has nothing to do with sex. everything to do with power. >> in the run up to the summit 150 governments endorsed a declaration pledge to go end sexual violence in war zones. the goal is to document crimes and bring more prosecutions. can declarations work? nigeria is one government that signed the declaration but hundreds of girls kidnapped by boko haram have not been saved. here in the united states the international violence against women act is pending in both houses of congress. it seeks to make the issue a higher diplomatic priority for the u.s. similar legislative efforts dating back to 2007 have failed. the united states says one in three women worldwide will be beaten, coerced into section or abused by an intimate partner during her lifetime. armed with these statistics. advocates meet in london to tackle the problem. is there moral authority the world can muster to overtur