well, here’s the situation, here’s the same situation with angelina zhali, yes, which once shocked all a preventative measure, well , we’re doing it , she was a carrier, a carrier of bersei 1, bersei 2, based on this, taking into account her family history, that she has close relatives suffered from breast cancer, she underwent preventive surgery, that is, to remove both mammary glands so that she would not develop breast cancer in the future, that is, such things should not be shocking and women should not... should not be afraid of this, this is being done, wow, victor alexander, really, the topic is such, in itself, well, since we have already started talking about famous people, from the example i would like to move on to private, practical things, not so long ago i read the story of savely kramurov, beloved by many, he was afraid all his life die of cancer, took a container with special food with him everywhere, didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, went in for sports, really planned to live until he was 120 years old, modern zodniks, compared to him, of course, are resting, but in the end