. >> angeline jolie! >> this is the tie breaker. >> by jork! >> you hate losing, don't you? what did i win? did i win anything? >> you know what, i don't mind losing. i'll survive. >> i don't know if you will. i'll survive, i know i'll stay alive, i've got all my life to live i've got all my love to give, i will survive, hey, hey oh, my gosh! by the way -- >> in is what we're talking about. >> i wish in my life great music would explode from somewhere. rachel! >> that was fun. you're going to sing for us some more a little bit later. >> can you survive without chocolate? >> not at all. >> you don't have to because joy so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. skincare now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive introducing clearly brighter. a new active mo