>> angelo king. >> very quickly. i can only speak from personal experience, there are a lot of times that we are put in as a contractor or a community guy and i am putting together a projects and having an out reach component and i have always had a great reception with clear channel in trying to get things publicized and maybe my connection may my connection is better than others. but i have always been successful in terms of promoting events are getting free air space or even when we are going redevelopment stuff and we want to do neighborhood promoting things and we always got a great reception from them. and every time that i am listening to this discussion, i am not hearing that clear channel did a bad job or did not provide san francisco with cash. or none of that. you know? and actuality, they managed to contract well enough that they provided the city with more cash and we are trying to make sure that we get a fair deal with them. but beyond that, it is a huge contract and i understand the big boys and so we