. >> angelo king? >> hello, i'm angelo king. i reviewed and co-wrote the epc a long time ago. how about that. as of right now i'm working with butler enterprise group on the cap project. one of the things with the first workshop that we noticed is a lot of people complain and are we really going to get an opportunity. if we put in our competitive bid, are we really going to get some action? what we were noticing was apathy. these guys have been burned in so many different places where you take the time and effort and resources to put a bid together and you think you put a competitive bid together and all of a sudden you got awarded the bid, you are not called back, nobody tells you. so you feel like you don't really have an opportunity. there's a part of the job that we had to do and if anybody have seen me speak, i'm kind of an optimist. a part of what we had to do is convince people that the players at the table wanted to see succeed and working in the background to do everything they can to make sure the playing field was leveled. if you put in a competitive bid you should