schneiderman. a few more things that angie people do is to check the back of the lottery ticket to see if a signature is required, so that way its easy to keep track of it. jenna: a new bpp to help pou plug your parking meter seems to be catching on in sioux city. this fall, sioux city started using the "parobil" app. it allows you to plug the meter remotely to avoid getting a ticket. so far there are over 300 users taking advantage of the app. the area that sees the most use of the app is around 4th and nebraska and so far the app has brought in more that 3 thousand dololrs. "we're h hpy with it bebeuse of the convience it's made for customers. like i said you don't have to come out of a meeting, if you're have a lunch that's going a little extra longer. people love it, it was time for us to get into this century so we're happy with the results." say parking & skywalk supervisor monette harbeck. there is a 35 cent convenience fee when you use the app to add more time to your meter tim on cam an idea that started as a wayay to showcase vacant office space in sioux citit continues to grow. the sioux c