. >> reporter: her name is angie ver huel. and what happened to angie and justin was that thing that some people don't even think exists. they fell in love at first sight. bingo. just like that. >> and after our third date, i texted my friend and i said, i am pretty sure i am going to marry this guy. he seemed to feel the same way about you. >> yep. it was very easy from day one. we both knew. >> reporter: so they did what people do. they tried out each other's interests. and angie discovered that the man she was in love with also loved things like skydiving. which, of course, he wanted her to do, too. lured you out a time or two? >> yeah. >> reporter: he had you jumping out of an airplane? >> yes. >> reporter: what the heck were you thinking? >> yeah. i'm terrified of heights, so -- >> reporter: so he took you up there? >> yeah. it was so exhilarating, though. i was terrified until the moment we got in the plane, and then i was just calm. yeah, and it was so much fun. >> reporter: which was a little like their courtship, reall