with fellow scientists have been hacked from a climate research center at the university of east angliain the united kingdom and selectively post on the internet for all to see. words and phrases have been cherry-picked from the thousands of e-mail messages, remove from their original context, and strung together in ways designed to malign me, my colleagues, and climate research itself. soundbites intended to imply impropriety on our part but quickly disseminated over the internet. through a coordinated public relations campaign, groups affiliated with the fossil fuel industry and other climate change critics helped catapult the soundbites onto the pages of leading newspapers and onto television screens around the world. a cartoon figure ridiculing me and falsely accusing me of hiding the decline in global temperature was released on youtube and advertise to a sponsored link edited with any google search of mining. the video eventually made its way onto the cbs nightly news. pundits got the wider issue of the hacked e-mails "climategate," and numerous investigations were launched. throu