angstrussia also had close tieso the dictator. when gadhafi sat down with putin, the main business talk was arms deals. in 2010, gadhafi ordered weapons to the tune of 1.5 billion euro from russia. gadhafi also enjoyed a strong bond with the italian prime minister. italy depends on libya for oil and gas, it was gadhafi's efforts in preventing illegal immigration that secured their relationship. he ran up the security on the border. in 2004, and gerhard schroeder became the first chancellor to visit gadhafi in tripoli. they are on imported energy supplier for germany. they have been an important market for exports for decades. currently, 40 german companies operate in libya with a combined trade volume of 4 billion euros annually. >> when you look at that report, it is safe to say that this is economic interests that are motivating the interests of western countries when they dictate policies? >> i have the impression that there is no mind setting at all going on when formulating policies. europe is really very astonished as to wha