>> angus cartly and then dave. those are the last two people who have turned in a speaker card today. chairman nolan: good afternoon. >> chair nolan, commissioner, director ford, members, i respect the fact that this item has been continued today. we know that it's been continued because probably people are a little bit concerned about the whole coming together of this whole piece of legislation and amendment of legislation. we're a small builder development community. we actually are not doing too much these days. that's one of the reasons we've come down in the middle of the day to talk to you. but we don't have the luxury to have phlegm monitoring amendments to the code and stuff like that. as pointed out by a fellow member there, you know, this came a sharp notice to us. this was the type of notification that went out. if you read that, this is going to affect the industry would not be able to follow this. i'm here today -- i worked with director ford on immigration issues, particularly with this -- with the fa