last, staff satisfy angz. this is how we provide value and recognition and appreciation for the african american staff that we currently have. this is a exciting slide, this shows how we are really integrating across the department and this is part of a large rb commitment of work force development plan. this will go beyond the next 10 years. this is in the future of probably our grand children if they want to work for the health department of what the work force will look like. so far we have-we had a african american health initiative collective impact working group and that group looked at improving the health outcome. develop implementation plan and we'll report back from each working group. they received-there was a group of at least 40 people that receivered training on result based framework completed on december 10 in 2014. we are irking with quality improvement team and ambulltory care and have line indicators. there is now 4 work groups that are addressing persons of blacks with heart disease and thi