baltimore..anice park live tonight outside pply high school, with what happened in . ccurt.jeff,kortneigh mccoy prepared for college at this school and had big plans forr the fuuure, but it all ended in tragedy. today her killlr...shanee ligginssmade a deal with the state...these court docuuents how that she was charged with second deggee murder, assauut and reckless endangerment.but they were aal dropped in exchange for her guilty murder plea.we have &pthroughout this ordeal.. who ssys a courtroom apooogy wasn't enoogh. enough. 3 3&at choir practice tonight strong emotion from kkra empowerment teepleethe northwest baltimore church where she brought up her daaght. daughter."i think howwlong it took me to get to frostburg, i just think about all of that" it's relief...after an emotional day inncourt in