year old this is a totally new and sometimes daunting experience for all of us up a lot of parents anish lee i track this bike along with my feet then i slowly learned how to control it i love the fact i can right now. i wish i could cycle every day with my friends as it makes me feel really good. it's quite rare to see the men on bicycles in pakistan as many think it is as they have to straddle a seat but these attitudes are also part of a vital patriarchal culture you have the know how society doesn't feel right about girls cycling out in the streets it doesn't usually happen here but it's common abroad where. it doesn't feel right but it's ok they're only riding around locally. what can we say to those parents who allow their daughters to ride on bar school the joys of algeria but. none of their women socializing in public is still viewed as a threat to public morality it is to come did these norms that a group of women said to believe he goes kathy then also organizes bike races. how many bengali no one wanted but at the start we were harassed and some boys even tried to take us off our