that when it comes to attempting to regulate aspects of the internet as as oosed to mply bith -- anisva aiser example of that. and what really ccerns me is that because of the nature of the internet reaching across international boundariesnd really getng intany p o nas he weld eateiolao y,ll ld have the u.n. set up an agency to regulate the internet. i think that's a horrible idea, and we should resist it at all st vmure whin anu w? e vtiors rkin dat 'vt an international independent entity, it's really a private entity called ican, e irn cra siesum ico svi fm u.pantcoce yoowsos a traffic cop to make sure this all works in the very complex work ofinternet cmunition t e mahoe u.o vatawa spbi e edtehe uns bve economic engine that is the ternet and the communications and freedom that come from the internet should resist that very, very strongly. weotnt le cltoir ame cotu, do not want them tbe setting the standards for how their citizens or anyone else's citizens communi rnnaon ine osels k n un bein tye t allows for the introduction of an unlimited number of new top-level ptomaine names -- domainn