three years later, ankor invest merges it with the capital financial group into gly namional holding.anies that he created. tied financial institutions. where people poured their money under different, so to speak, sauce, he offered the currency at 10% per annum. a-a invest money of citizens of legal entities in foreign companies and russian companies. this business is exactly the same, that is, when money is paid to old customers due to the influx of new ones. here he created, well anchors investor, but the catch then no one noticed, very much. well, the firms lilially looked solid from the outside among the clients, there really were many famous people. uh known to a wide audience. that's because the starting threshold was 100,000. i cannot say what the average investment check is, but i think that several hundred thousand dollars, the maximum amount of investments reached several million dollars, then no one suspected that in 2018 german orledovich would stop contacting investors. centanya glycendia and lord lilia will be put on the international wanted list and will most recently