do a really good job. we will talk about making sure that we have good evaluation systems -- there is absolutely no research that says you can look at a student standardized test score ann callis good teacher or a bad teacher. there -- standardized test score and say if it is a good teacher or a bad teacher. when i asked one of my colleagues in an international conference we are discussing teacher evaluations, how it is that you identify quality teachers and teachers who need help, and teachers who really should not be there -- how would you identify a poor teacher, a bad teacher in finland, and she looked at me like i was insane. a lot of people do. she said are you telling me that you have a system that allows you to hire a bad teacher? it flipped my head and i went, good lord, they put it all on the front. they make sure that unless you are highly qualified, highly experienced -- they have a residency program like a doctor. i love the way that they care for, nurture, and develop the most highly professional career teachers in finland. that is a whole mother show. one of the things -- a whole show. in finland, when they decided to transform the education system, they got rid