2006, the research report was viewed and the engross draft and issued in june of 2012 we've got ann harper here to present this to the board and also have phil on the phone in washington, d.c. testifying to the academy i'd like to mentioned that bill was on the implementation committee for the gadz be standards and great reach for the board. >> bill can you hear us? >> that's a no. >> (laughter). >> bill try speaking. >> hi can you hear me. >> yes. >> some of us can. >> okay. so we're here to provide an overview of our report and answer questions you may have we have a slightly different format but briefing summarize the report and what it is used for and explain how it is comparing. >> this report is used four only accounting purposes there's a complete diversion from 9 and it reports the information for the gadz by financial statements all the schedules and notes to the disclosures and the information that needs to be provide by our automatic where are and included schedules for gadz by the 68 the standards informative the city's financial statements so the first reporting diet for the r