. >> the action item before us is we'll instruct ann hewitt to include those retiree heartache plan and their june presentation that will instructing them to do that but in the interim we're asking for additional information that was asked united health care for the next meeting those representatives or folks need to be here to talk about this more as we're talking about the actuaries talking about the rate card. >> i'll need nor information to vote on that. >> but i'm looking for another motion to either accept this and vote it up and down to instruct the tertiary that's where what the actuary is doing and directing the health plan to come back we've not saying we have a decision. >> make a motion this we come back. >> at the june meeting this is additional information. >> i thought we want it at the may meeting. >> no proto provide it at the may meeting. >> not the genuine. >> okay. that's the motion to bring back additional information at the may meeting. >> okay. >> is there a second to that. >> second. >> second all right. >> improperly moved and seconded. >> just for clarification