i am really glad that emily, the director is here but i know that the policy director ann leman will be giving the presentation along with gene who is the senior employee assistance counselor employee assistance, and there is a number of other speakers at public comment that will present on the resolution, is straight sfo ward forward and going to urge and direct the department to develop materials there is already a great body of materials right now, but to develop further materials about what employees, including the department heads and managers should know about domestic violence and how to, for example, how to spot, signs of domestic violence in the workplace. we are working on other legislation that will come later on the status of women but this is one piece that will help to raise awareness of all city employees and also, contractors that work with the city as well. and it also asks the department or the commission on the status of women and their department to work with other city departments to distribute such information to employees contractors and grantees and other orga