her name is ann lydon. >> everybody knew brittany. > you couldn't get away from her for a while? >> no. she was a busybody. >> if ann doesn't speak very kindly of brittany now, you have to understand it was different at the beginning. they were friendly enough to become partners in a dog breeding venture. >> she wanted to breed huey with one of mine. >> but then complications. brittany began a romance with a fellow named billy, a friend of ann and her's's. billy as the new boyfriend, moved right in and everything was hunky dory until -- well, love is unpredictable and in this case it didn't last. >> they got into some stupid fight and billy called and said i'm coming to get my stuff. she said come by yourself. >> but billy didn't go there alone. he was accompanied by ann lydon and her husband. >> brittany said don't come in the house, and they came in. >> she was cussing, screaming, whatever. i said, okay, i'm leaving. >> what happened? >> she hit me over the head with a wine bottle and she was sitting on top of me, strangling me and m