my good friend ann mahoney, public health nurse. if i didn't credit the team then i would be remiss because it is a team sport. to get the best outcomes requires the team and i do talk a lot in the book about nursing in our chief operating officer for example is a nurse and that's one of the stories about how important it is and i thought it symbolize this to have a chief operating officer as a nurse. it would send a message plus she's terrific. she is the real deal. but it is about the team. it's about all of those supports that help children with chronic disease and because one of the great perspective so it's a lot of these chronic diseases we can really have an impact on early and whether it's an early diagnosis and their achievements now. i talk a lot in the book about a couple of situations where cystic fibrosis that we would never see now because the treatments are so good. diabetes, we are making big advances. you need that perspective of children, development, compliance in kids that are so different than adults whether the