. >> yeah, ann marie rodgers, planning department staff. this restriction shows up at least in the sso district. and in talking with the planning department staff, the way that the muo district was created was copying and pasting the existing sso district and then working from there. and in talking with them, there was no specific consideration given to that particular requirement, especially in relation to this parcel which as mr. vettle said and is in the staff report that's before you, this parcel previously had no strict prohibition on the room count. in this case, if there were any hotels that went forward with 76 rooms or more, it would still come before the commission for conditional use hearing. >> okay. so, i think my comments are that if this does go forward, it's important to have a description of the muo. i know that not every zone has the goal set to it. but what is the purpose of the muo? does changing this meet the purpose or not meet the purpose? if it's specifically about this hotel project, maybe there is a different solut