the knife. the majority of plastic surgery patients are women in their late teens and 20s, like ann min young4-year-old piano teacher from sou. capital of the world, in terms of the index of the number of plastic surgeons compared to the population, this country has taken the first place by huge margin. some estimates say that between 20 and 30% of women in soul have undergone plastic surgery at least once. other statistics also emphasize that more than 50% of young girls in this city have undergone facial surgery. korean men have a 15% share of this staggering market. oke sekarang saya sudah bersama dengan dokter li di ruang operasi ee wigana. start the operation uh, excited, nervous of course, but uh, hopefully everything's okay and we have a best result. of course, the desire for plastic surgery does not only include ordinary people, this desire has included people like the former president of korea. so... surgeries in this country have a wide range from forehead and eyelid correction surgery to nose job and v-line surgery. in fact, jaw surgery is a common practice in korea. for this, surg