. >> ann moss: that's what's so amazing about her. ll the time. >> simon: zenyatta's owners, ann and jerry moss, who made their fortune in the music business, know how to pamper their starlet. >> jerry moss: she's touched and handled by 14... oh, at least 14 people a day. >> simon: she's touched by 14 people a day? >> jerry moss: over 14... >> ann moss: yeah. >> jerry moss: yes. at least 14 people a day. >> simon: and there's somebody with her 24 hours a day? >> jerry moss: yes. >> ann moss: yes. >> simon: pretty cozy? >> ann moss: it is. >> simon: but the training on the track is regimented and rigorous. five days a week, john shirreffs has zenyatta run at a moderately slow pace. she doesn't like slow, so her exercise rider has to use all his strength to hold her back. then, once a week, she's let loose. but even now, mike smith says, she's not nearly at full throttle. what does it feel like being on her? >> smith: you know, there's just so much power. she's so athletic for such a big, big horse, which is just amazing. >> simon: how d