they're now will be $2 million plus contract in fiscal years 2015-2016 which will substantially be ann nultd to a greater amount in 2016-2017 slide 7 provides a summary table of the total proposed cost for the changes with the board regarding the issues and slide 8 listed an instruction we need for developing the departments 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 budget specifically with a lot with we should include the general fund appropriation for that the budget analyst as requested that concludes my presentation. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. and the clerk will be back next week if you want to continue the discussion thank you. >> thank you very much for your presentation colleagues any questions at this time? supervisor avalos >> so you said that the last time we s had provided the general fund support for last year was 2010 2011; is that correct and could you say beforehand what the trend was around general fund support for the clerk of the board for lap co- >> so i have data dating back to fiscal year 2006 and 7 but the general fund appropriation in fiscal year 06 and $07,297,000