my husband andy, our daughter, kate, my stead fast mother, my inlaws walter and ann pinkas. with that, let me get to the meat of what i'd like to say in my statement. the fhfa plays a crucial role in our financial system. as the safety and soundness regulator of fannie mae, fannie mac, and the 12 regional federal home loan banks. to ensure they operate in a safe and sound measure and serve as a reliable source of liquidity and funding for housing finance. as senator crapo mentioned, since 2008, almost six years now, the agency has acted as conservator for fannie mae and fannie mac to protect the assets and properties of those enterprises and protect the tax payers investment which is currently $187.5 billion. currently fannie mae and fannie mac guarantee more than $5 trillion in mortgages in this country. three out of over four. congress mandated strong independent oversight of agency programs and operations by the fhfa oig to safe guard taxpayer dollars. to carry out this oversight, the oig conducts and coordinates, audits evaluations of agency activities, and investigation