my name is ann romero, i'm a senior project manager at the mayor's housing project.program and describe the agreements. so as you may know, the local operating subsidy program was created in response to the ambitious goal of the 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness to create 3,000 new units. and while the city could target capital dollars, the lack of federal or state subsidies would keep us from creating at this scale. so it's structured to pay the difference between operating the housing and rental revenue. the department provides tenant referrals from their coordinated entry system. the proposed six agreements before you today, include one new contract for a new affordable family development currently under construction. 455 fell street. two renewal contracts at the end of the initial loss term which are zygmunt arendt house and 10th and mission for seniors and families. and three new contracts to replace the loss of a subsidy at parkview terraces, for seniors, railton place and monterey for homeless families. approval would bring the agreements to 32 and the