ann schilliig says the collapse has probablyycost him is entiie baseball fortune.t's now official....maryland marriage.opponents of e sex mar- maryland's new law allowing same sex marriage.... number of signatures requiree fall's ballot.and nnw...the stateboard of elections....haa ooficcallyy"certified"more than 100-thousandof thooe signatures. the lastest statewide improvement for students iggt mixeddnews forstudents in baltimore city public schools. mmth scores are up arouud tww percent in gradesstree through eiggtfrom thh year beforr.but school students are middle down...nearly threepercent. the c.e.o...sayy one that between twelle to fourteen percent of students....are chrrnically pbsent. (alonss) "ttere'' a huge challenge nd we need tt work communities about making sure that the kids arr in school or phh progress is going o be sustain."students considred chronically absent...miss "20" or more schooldays a year. 3 3 3 need some eep wwth your dollars in free groceriessit's our giant summer contest!ii you waat to winna 50-dollar giant gifttcard... go