. >> ann thurman talks about that life being alive. >> yes, that is so powerful, she says that life itself is so alive. you can tell thurman is getting high on life and one should. they say god is life so the gift of life is extraordinary. >> we also appreciate dr. martin luther king, jr. and of course red is jesus in the disinherited. he took with him every time he went to jail. >> jesus and the disinherited. it is such a powerful book and it is one of the hurley ones. they say the church betrayed jesus and again he wrote that before the civil rights movement and of course king is powerful affected. so thurman really is the spiritual dangerous. he was an elder, but he was criticized for not doing the streets. the others will hold it together and make sure the values of the spiritualty is end beaud and thurman played a role. when dr. martin luther king, jr. was stabbed, he asked for one person at his bed and that was howard thurman. king was very close to thurman. >> it is a great history and how i link that to her influence is tremendous. hilda guard, again, what would you say is outside