they club the family of general david wurley and ann wurley who were both on that train, both coming back from helping soldiers, veterans in iraq and afghanistan. claire wurley is the sister of general david wurley. what was this like for you to see this plaque unveiled? >> this is a day and has been a day filled with so many emotions. first of all we're mostly very grateful to mayor gray, the administration for continuing to reach out to our family. we have had very difficult time trying to contact the other families. this is our first opportunity at getting to meet them and know them and hopefully we'll be in contact in the future. >> reporter: i know that the general and his wife loved this city, and they dedicated a lot of time and effort to this city. now there's talk about a memorial park in honor, not just the plaque but a femoral -- memorial park in honor of your brother and all the other victims. is that something you'll be encouraging? >> absolutely. they will be -- they would be very proud and pleased. their hearts were in this city. they should dedicate -- they dedicated t