and anna eshoo, who's a ranking member on your subcommittee, to upset the apple cart would be fooling around with something we shouldn't be fooling around with. >> guest: okay. so you want me to take chairman waxman's comments first probably. look, when it comes to the chairman's comments, we, we are -- you're in a situation -- i was a licensee, broadcast owner for 23 years -- 22 years. if commission came to me and said either do this pad thing or this less bad thing, you're probably going to try and work out the less bad thing. and i think that's what you would find if you parse through the statements from at&t and others, that they felt like they were in a box. they have their regulator, other deals pending, commission says we think we have this authority, we're going to do title i light regulation or, by the way, we've got this title ii proceeding open where we may treat you as a common carrier and really come down on you. club hanging up here. what are you going to do? you're going to reach an agreement for the lightest regulation possible. and once you've reached that agreement,