steve ammon almond and jeff easter brook, and books by robert trotta and anna harvey. booktv in prime time begins at 8 p.m. eastern. and join us on c-span for live campaign 2014 election night coverage. see who wins, who loses and which party will control congress, and engage with us by phone, on twitter @c-span, or at leading up to tonight's election results, c-span's asking what you think about voting on facebook. do you vote and why or why not? marsha writes: yes, we're blessed with the right to vote. i vote to honor them and have a voice in the process. and jason says: no, it's a waste of time, and it accomplishes nothing. the system is rigged to prevent any real changes, so your vote is meaningless. you can see what others are saying and share your thoughts at >> the 2015 c-span student cam video competition is underway, open to all middle and high school students to create a 5-7 minute documentary on the theme, "the three branches and you," showing how a policy, law or action by the executive, legislative or the judicial