welcome to the wild kingdom of anna julia torrez, school principal turned animal rights crusader. >> animals love her. it's the way they express their gratefulness to her. >> reporter: that is something. many have been rescued from the harsh world of circuses and animal trafficking. they take the flamingos into the airports and put them in there and smuggle them out of the country? but the most dangerous here are the forgotten victims of colombia's never-ending drug wars. one-time status symbols left behind by the country's drug lords, after they were arrested or killed. if you did not do this, what would be happening to these animals? >> translator: they would have to be killed. >> reporter: she stops us to listen. those are the cries of jupiter. >> she is very, very in love with jupiter. >> reporter: a giant 500 pound lion who hasn't seen his new master in more than a week. as we move in closer to film the bizarre reunion, a warning from her cousin, die yego. >> i wouldn't dare go past there. >> reporter: don't you get afraid at all? >> no. >> reporter: not at all? how does it make