so the classic example that comes to mind is anna karin and and. if you're reading and it karenina as a young adolescent sink a person can you think this is so romantic, and i had to leave her husband for her true love and it's sat and a strategy but it also, she needed to do that. you understand her. and then if you read it when you a newlywed perhaps i think this is terrible, that's a tall tree? she's abandoning her child. her husband to do anything wrong and if you lead later in life i think you're a little bit more understanding. you're seeing a number of things happen, whether in your own life poinor in the lives of your fris angela bit more compassionate and for giving us some of her choices. >> host: do your books give reviewed in the near times? >> guest: this book is not getting reviewed in the "new york times" because of the fact that i'm overthink everything. there's really no way that i i could responsibly do it without having like a massive conflict ofinterest. my previous books of all been reviewed in the times and i have to say i got