special training, this happens, for example, in the fsb, well, it may very well be, who is this, anna malinovskayan, zhanna, that’s what the ghost of the late anna saw the neighbor of malinovsky’s house, now it’s no easier to study.” hello, nice to see you. well, what kind of line? malinovsky escaped. wow, what a twist. let's go, this is the company i met at the airport, unexpectedly, you must admit, i checked the document, she is zhanna apukhtina, it turns out, after all, she is a twin sister, deceased marinov. killed her sister, framed malinovsky, started tricks with his best friend, that's santa barbara, it turns out that something doesn't add up in this santa barbara? well, she didn’t love her sister, she even wanted to kill her, she framed her sister’s husband, but what connects her with dubrovin, and this is zhanna at the airport, she limped, but it seemed not, she walked like a queen and even in high heels, and what did the district police officer say, that she has been limping since childhood, she has a congenital pathology, that is, if she did not limp. it means it means it's not zhana, l