science journalist anna sacco is joining me now to tell us more about the nobel committee's decision so and this prize is given to louisa physicists why is that. well because first of all laser physics is a really broad field so the price was actually split into two different discoveries you see so ask in one of four optical tweezer that's the thing that he invented which basically allows you to trap living cells in a laser beam and analyze them while they are still living so this is a real game changer for the field because it's a cheaper method a cheaper technology which is already used around around the world and then the other two strickland they developed a method that is called c.p. and what they were able to do is they made places more powerful tool in simple words so this allows us to use them in member more precise way which means we can use them now for. example or for the skin treatments which will in the future maybe allow us to treat cancer no i want to zoom in on this is actually a really nice headline on dot com which you should log on to by the way the twenty eight hu