annalisa, what is going to happen? where will trump stand ?ou just said, it used to be that nato had a clear purpose, so keep russia out, america in, germany down, and the saying goes that now actually russia is in, america is out and germany is up. so the world has transformed. that is kind of a glib way of turning that phrase around — do you think it's true? well, it certainly reflects a little bit what is going on. it reflects a kind of transformation of the world since 70 years ago when nato was created, and i think that the only leader right now who is actually talking about the situation in a clear and strategic way is president micron, and he is right when he says that nato is brain dead. nothing can stay like it was at the beginning for ever. this is the longest military alliance in history. 70 years is a very long time. and people would say it has been flexible, has grown, has changed its sense of purpose. its strength has been to be able to adapt, but right now, its main purpose is under threat, because as we know, america is looking