if anyone seen movie the intern, robert niro, anne hathaway. it's one of my one of my favorite movies. i love i love the beginning of it, you know, so de niro retired, comes back working at working at a startup. his first day, the ceo gives him no work and it's like 7:00 at night he's still sitting there at his desk and one of his coworkers comes over and, says, why? why you don't i mean, why are you still here? and he says, you don't leave till the boss leaves. and i remember my father telling, me, that, you know, almost years ago when i first started to work, don't you get in before the boss. you stay until the boss. so but you hired you hired a senior intern, a fellow named paul of vietnam. vietnam vet, spokesperson for -- thornburgh when he was the governor of pennsylvania during, three mile island, and went on to be really an iconic figure in the community, in the communications. and you had him working as an intern what was that like? what led you to do that? thank you. so i feel it's very important. remain curious and, creative, but it's