secretary pacheco: item number eight, appeal number v10-075, anne kenney vs. the zoning and illustrator dealing with 48 newton street, protesting the granted on july 1, 2010, of pravin patel, rear yard vari ance. >> good evening. it should only be in extraordinary circumstances or when it would cause difficulties or unnecessary hardship. basically, this is a case where mr. patel created hardship for himself after blatant disregard of the building permit process. mr. patel began addition on his house without seeking a permit in his first place, and when he did file for a permit, he requested a building permit for a two-unit permit, and under the code, the section that nms. kenney is in, you are only allowed a one-unit permit. there is still remarkable evidence to show that there is a two-unit plan proceeding. there are two mail slots. there are two dresses, two -- two addresses, two satellite hookups. the building passed the setback requirements, and then she issued another complaint. despite receiving in order to cease and desist with construction, mr. patel c