liz: and right now we have governor perry on stage introducing ted cruz for this event in san antonio, texas. mary annif he doesn't win the state of texas? >> of course he is. and just to go back to matt's point for one last second, i don't think this is a problem in the republican primary. it will be a problem in the general election because you've already seen african-americans come out in higher proportion numbers in the democratic primaries than they did in 2008 -- liz: for hillary clinton. >> exactly. younger voters, women, i think a lot of independent women, even moderate republican women would take offense to this and vote democratic. as to ted cruz, he not only has to win texas, for him to catch donald trump who has a 70-plus lead in delegates right now, he would then have to win every single state after that. that is not going to happen. liz: every show on fox business has requested donald trump to come on and talk about the kkk. we will let you know if he does. he has come on many times, so he's been very open to speaking, but not so far today -- >> but he has been clear. he's been clear abo