keep ing. amera clking] ma annouer: "eth focus is me possib in party a grant fr anne ra foundation--a margaret a. cargill philanthropy and the orange county community foundation. fema annncer: sa is a prousponsor "earth cus." [cattllowing man: we' awoken a lightng stm, and wrarely g that here. [thund] saw tse vein ghtning bolts all through e sky, a it was-- i'd actually never en anythinlike tt before the oneshat laed actually stted firewithin aisual distan of our nch. [rumbling] man: theire almo seemed ke it waalmost le a tenn match or something because it wouldind of bounce bk down t valley and th it uld go bk up agai and thiis over series of ysit's liki justidn't wa to go tsleep becausi didn'tnow whatas going toe happeng when i ke up. my parts houseurned wn en i wasn highchool. w came home to a burning house. i definily thoug that weere goa lose o home. john: i me up tohe house anshe was cking thcar, yoknow, alyour importa pers, evything. e goes "ok, jn. readywe're rey to go." i sd, "dian i'm not leing." shlooked ame like i ha you know,wo heads [insts buzng] diane:y husbd john a i l