we can talk to anne wafula strike from her home in harlow in essex. do when you are travelling, you want to relieve yourself. i was appalled that when i went to check, the toilet was boarded up with a big sign, out of order. i asked the ticketmaster is they could help in. she could not do anything, because she was also helpless. she decided they would get me off at the next station to see if i could use the toilet and then get me on board again, but when you go to that station, there was nobody there, so there was not anybody to come up with a ramp and help me. i had some passengers who were willing to get me out, but she realised that even if they took me out, i would still need somebody on the station who would have access to help me get across to the other side to use the toilet and bring me back. the next stop for me was peter. between then and peterborough, i could not hold it anymore, i and peterborough, i could not hold itanymore, i had and peterborough, i could not hold it anymore, i had to do it. humiliating, but i had to do it. how did you f