joining me is 23 and me ceo anne wojcicki along with our own meg terrell. esting deal today, anne tell us about your vision here, acquiring a telehealth company, a prescription drug delivery company and integrating it with a genetics company >> yeah. since the beginning of the company one thing we always -- like the vision was always to follow up on what frances collins outlined in 2001 which is that genetic information has the ability to really transform how we predict, prevent and treat all human disease. so fundamentally the reason why we're offering genetics to our customers is because it really is transformational, not just on the ancestry side but on your health side. the number one thing i have learned over the 15 years that we have been giving genetic information to our customers is that it is challenging to pull it all the way through into clinical care. so people learn really valuable insights about their health, but the rest of the health care system is not necessarily trained on how to manage genetic information and it is not geared towards preve