anne wong sis kick started her company 23andme in 2006. it provides genetic testing for consumers, and ever since then it has grown in traction and in some controversy. it's so great to see you, anne. i've been following your company's incredibly interesting, you're a real pioneer in what you're doing. can you explain for people who aren't familiar with 23andme. >> we enable people to get access to their full genetic information. you order online. we send you little tube to spit into. you spit in the tube, mail it back to us, two to eight weeks later we send you an e-mail that says welcome to you. there's all kind of things you can learn about yourself. right now we're only offering the ancestry and raw data so you can learn about where are you from in the world, do you have any relatives on if the 23andme data base that you don't know about and other kinds of fun things. >> and the company started with ancestry and also with health, and there's some controversy with the fda right now, so you're not doing the health part of it. but, it, the