over the next days of rioting there is annen graving of what happened in the bay. over 400 residents are murdered shot down. in the course of this event, with marshal law declared, the governor's troops sweep through the east and round up anyone who was deemed a political agitator. this includes meynard, samuel clark and in a display of arrogance it includes george william gordon who was living in ki kingston at the time and had no participation in the events. governor eyre had him arrested in kingston loaded on horseback and loaded into the zone and taken onboard a military ship where his lawyer attempts to visit him and serve him and is refused by the milt authorities and he knows that his ally has been taken into captivity and he also probably knows what was going on. after anderson has refused t therity they come in and execute him for treason. on the charge of inciting a revolt. meynard is taken to a prison camp and probably escapes hanging himself because he was an american. they noticed that an american was among the accused and put pressure on the governmen